Nurturing Food Freedom and Body Confidence
Eating Wisdom Blog
Ideas, inspiration, and information to help you find your peace with eating.
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Kids, Eating and Weight: What Does the Research Say?
There are two forms of eating that can feel out-of-control: deprivation-driven eating and emotional eating. Most people think that out-of-control eating is mostly emotional. Actually, it is far more likely that ‘over’eating is deprivation-driven.
Reflection Addiction: Overcoming the Plague of Body Checking
Body checking is a plague on the modern individual. Reflective surfaces have become the enemy. From the glass panes on passing cars to our cell phones (the REAL metaphorical ball-and-chain!) to the poorly lit changing rooms in our favorite shops, we are forced to view ourselves to the point of being even beyond what might be comfortable. However, when it becomes too much, uncomfortable - vulnerable, even - we start to no longer see ourselves staring back at us.
Compulsive Exercise: Are You Overdoing It?
Men and women are presenting to counseling in increasing numbers--not because they want to slow down their exercise, but because something is interfering with it. If these exercisers were willing to take a look at what they are doing, they would find that their activity is not about performance or reshaping their bodies, but about dealing with life. They would find exercise is essential to them to provide a feeling of mental well-being, to release their tension and anger, and even relieve anxiety and depression. They also would find they have few other strategies to cope with these feelings.
When Someone You Know Is Suffering from an Eating Disorder
The ongoing support of a spouse, parent, sibling, or friend is one of the most valuable tools a person with an eating disorder eating can have. This article focuses on helping someone with bulimia, but the article can apply to helping someone with anorexia, binge eating disorder and emotional eating as well.
The Different Eating Disorders and Treatment
Eating disorders are ways of coping that involve an extreme focus on food, eating and weight, and are experienced by both men and women. They include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. These eating disorders are not choices one makes. They literally hijack a person until they have no control over their behaviors, and can have serious emotional and physical problems with life-threatening consequences.
Somatic Experiencing to Heal Emotional Eating
Somatic therapy can help calm and heal emotional eating, compulsive eating, and even when you feel like you just can’t quit eating. Karin is trained in a highly specialized form of somatic therapy called Somatic Experiencing, which focuses on becoming attuned to and understanding subtle body sensation in a way that the body can release stress and even past traumas.
The Rebel Self Rebels: Finding a Sane Approach to Eating
You have a deeper knowing self that rebels against food rules! This Rebel Self hates those imposed rules, hates the constraint, and hates the disrespect of these simplistic solutions. This Rebel Self is tired of the disrespect implied in, "Just follow this rule, it’s easy to get healthy or lose 10 pounds." So what are you supposed to do?
The Diet Cycle: Weight Loss vs Regain Phase
Most people blame themselves when lost weight is regained, a practice weight loss programs encourage. When you realize it is not your fault, you may be better able to move on to more successful ways of managing food and weight.
How To Quit Eating by Experiencing "Enough"
Do you ever have the sense that you just can't quit eating? That there is never enough? That you are a bottomless pit? These experiences are an opportunity to look deeper, to find out what may be going on behind it.
Recovery is Not a Destination
Recovery from eating and weight issues is not a destination. It is not a place where you arrive one day and finally “get it.” If you see your healing as a destination, not only will you be disappointed, but you will also miss your recovery.
Enjoying Food Makes It Easier To Not Overeat
Mindful, intuitive eating guidelines encourage us to truly enjoy our food. "That's crazy," you might think, "If I really enjoy my food, I will eat way too much of it." But how often do you truly enjoy eating?
Overcome Body Checking for a Better Body Image
Do you constantly “check” your body to see if you look okay? For any sign of weight change? To see if your hair and clothes are perfect? Constantly checking yourself can contribute to negative body image and eating disorders. Find tips to overcome body checking, develop a more positive body image and feel better.