Moving Away from Diets 

Moving Away From Diets:
Healing Eating Problems and Exercise Resistance

by Karin Kratina, PhD, RD, Nancy King, MS, RD & Dayle Hayes, MS, RD

Written for professionals who want to help clients heal diet mentality, binge eating and other eating problems.

Techniques and tools to teach clients to learn to listen to their bodies' inner wisdom and eating when hunger and easily quit when satisfied (intuitive eating), to overcome exercise resistance and find joyful movement, and, ultimately, to manage weight naturally. 

Clinicians can immediately implement the detailed counseling strategies and techniques. Case studies outline the this approach in action.

Numerous handouts are provided to immediately begin using this mindful, intuitive eating / nondiet approach to helping clients with eating problems and eating disorders.


Kind Words

More About Moving Away From Diets

What I like best about Moving Away From Diets is the wealth of hands-on experience that is captured in each chapter. The authors clearly know their stuff. As a Registered Dietitian, I enjoy learning from their experiences. The information has helped me better move my clients away from diets.
— Nancy Clark, MS, RD - SportsMedicine, Brookline, MA; Author of Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook

This book outlines how to help clients:

  • reconnect with and trust internal signals of hunger and satiety;

  • feel more comfortable in the body immediately;

  • begin to eat more healthfully without the use of cognitive restraint;

  • find a natural and healthy weight;

  • overcome exercise resistance;

  • decode eating behaviors and body image concerns.

For Clinicians

The specific and detailed stepwise counseling strategies will shorten your learning curve and enable you to begin using intuitive eating immediately. Many find they enjoy their work more with this effective, compassionate approach to treating food and weight issues. Appropriate for those in:

‘Diets don’t work’ is a well-established battle cry. However, without philosophy or guidelines to use in place of dieting, health care professionals can be at a loss for how to really help clients come to terms with their bodies, eating and weight. Moving Away From Diets offers the solution by combining the nondiet philosophy with practical, hands-on tools to use directly with clients. This book is a must read for all health care professionals.
— Carolyn Costin, MA, MFCC -- Author - Your Dieting Daughter; Director - Monti Nido Eating Disorder Center of California
  • private practice

  • university settings

  • managed care organizations

  • hospitals

  • corporate wellness programs

For Professors

Moving Away From Diets is an excellent addition to college level course work, appropriate for nutrition, counseling, health promotion and fitness curriculums. It is currently required reading at major universities across the US.

For the Public

These veteran clinicians have written a practical workbook that incorporates state of the art knowledge regarding weight management. I highly recommend it, particularly for those who have struggled with traditional weight management methods.
— Craig Johnson, PhD Director - Laureate Eating Disorders Program, Tulsa, OK

This easy-to-read paradigm-shifting book provides valuable information and support for changing relationship with food and exercise. Learn how to manage weight without dieting; heal diet trauma; overcome exercise resistance and learn how to eat when hungry and quit when satisfied. Tools provided will increase awareness and support a new eating style.

Chapters include:

An incredibly helpful book that can be used by health care practioners in all types of work. Easy to read and filled with information that can help professionals work more effectively with clients.
— Janice Kidd, MS, RD Journal of the American Dietetic Association
  1. Weight, Health and Culture: A Time For Change

  2. Metabolic Fitness: A Non-Weight Centered Approach to Wellness

  3. Health At Every Size, Health for Every Body

  4. Size and Self-Acceptance: Hating the Body a Little Less

  5. Loving the Body You Have: Size-Acceptance

  6. Understanding Disconnected Eating

  7. HungerWork: Discovering Physically-Connected Eating

  8. HungerWork: Heal Disconnected Eating

  9. HungerWork: Promoting Joyful and Healthful Eating

  10. Joyful Movement

  11. Advanced Counseling Concepts

  12. Concepts in Action

Earn 25 CEs. Worksheets and handouts to implement a mindful, intuitive approach to eating also available.