Nurturing Food Freedom and Body Confidence
Eating Wisdom Blog
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Decoding Food and Body Angst: A Path to Healing
If weight loss could make us happy, our happiness would increase in direct proportion to weight loss. As you are well aware, no weight loss program ever promised that if you lost 50% of the weight you want to lose, you will be 50% happier.
But it doesn’t work that way. You will only be happy when you reach that weight goal. But how many of you reach that goal, and then lower the goal? Because they still feel comfortable, and they will continue to worry and fret about what they eat and their weight.
Dealing With the Body Police
The Body Police Quiz is a tongue-in-check look at body image in our culture, but also hints at how to deal with those Body Police in real life. Take some time to shake up any negative body thoughts you have. Perhaps new perceptions can help you feel better in your body.
Kids, Eating and Weight: What Does the Research Say?
There are two forms of eating that can feel out-of-control: deprivation-driven eating and emotional eating. Most people think that out-of-control eating is mostly emotional. Actually, it is far more likely that ‘over’eating is deprivation-driven.
Aquaman and Abs: Hollywood's Unrealistic Body Standards Now Focused on Male Actors
Male body shaping is becoming increasingly prevalent. And as we consume more polished media, the line between reality and Hollywood becomes more blurred. This article aims to unpack how even a hero like Aquaman can be body shamed and how male actors now have to shape their bodies to become Hollywood superheroes.
Recovery is Not a Destination
Recovery from eating and weight issues is not a destination. It is not a place where you arrive one day and finally “get it.” If you see your healing as a destination, not only will you be disappointed, but you will also miss your recovery.
Overcome Body Checking for a Better Body Image
Do you constantly “check” your body to see if you look okay? For any sign of weight change? To see if your hair and clothes are perfect? Constantly checking yourself can contribute to negative body image and eating disorders. Find tips to overcome body checking, develop a more positive body image and feel better.