Nurturing Food Freedom and Body Confidence
Eating Wisdom Blog
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The Rebel Self Rebels: Finding a Sane Approach to Eating
You have a deeper knowing self that rebels against food rules! This Rebel Self hates those imposed rules, hates the constraint, and hates the disrespect of these simplistic solutions. This Rebel Self is tired of the disrespect implied in, "Just follow this rule, it’s easy to get healthy or lose 10 pounds." So what are you supposed to do?
Two Forms of Eating that Feel Out-of-Control
There are two forms of eating that can feel out-of-control: deprivation-driven eating and emotional eating. Most people think that out-of-control eating is mostly emotional. Actually, it is far more likely that ‘over’eating is deprivation-driven.
A Twist on the Ol' Lose Weight / Get in Shape New Year’s Resolution
Heading into the New Year, weight loss and get fit advertisements are everywhere. But what if this year, instead of making resolutions to lose weight, you decided to set your intentions to take care of yourself differently? To give yourself more of what you really need?
The Problem with Dieting and What to do About It
We began our careers putting people on diets, as we were taught to do. It did not take long to realize that there was no magic in food restriction. In fact, it became painfully obvious that dieting is fraught with failure, heartache, and deprivation. Simply put, we learned that diets cause problems. To find out how, simply read on.
The Very Small Step That Matters Big Time
Do you try to change your eating, and then feel like a failure when you don’t succeed beyond the initial enthusiasm? If you make plans about your food and eating that are actually out of reach, those plans will eventually become a source of frustration.
So Sugar Is Bad(?): What Happens When You Avoid It
You've read that sugar is bad so you decide to avoid it. And, to avoid sugar, you have to be on the watch for it. You have to notice it, pay attention to it, so that you can avoid it. And then what happens?
Weight Loss to Feel Better?
Who doesn't want to feel better? Isn't that why we monitor our food and manipulate our weight? How many times have I heard a client say they they don't like themselves and will be happy when they reach that certain weight.
Dieting Makes Little Girls Fatter, Study Finds
Girls who are unhappy with their body size (or who have parents, coaches, etc., who are unhappy with their body size) may try to manage their weight. But research shows that the vast majority of those who try will then end up fatter.