Nurturing Food Freedom and Body Confidence

Body Image Karin Kratina Body Image Karin Kratina

Wanting to Be Thin vs Being Thin

When we spend our lives in the present moment, with what we already have (the other side of wanting), we lose control. The things we love get lost or shattered or stolen. People leave us. People die. As soon as we realize the preciousness of what we already have, we realize someday we may lose it.

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Weight Karin Kratina Weight Karin Kratina

Thinness and Health: What Does the Research Say?

Thinner people should not assume they are immune to health issues. When it really comes down to it, living a healthy life means that you truly take care of yourself. And staying thin may may not be helping. In fact, it could be the exact opposite. So, what are the negative health impacts of thinness? Is getting thin or being thin is truly health enhancing like you keep reading?

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