Kind Words from Clients

“I have started to show gratitude towards my body which has allowed me to love myself in a whole new way. Appreciating my body’s abilities has been very powerful for me.” - Kelly, Gainesville, FL

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“I love myself in a whole new way”

“I’ll never forget your inspiration and the hurdles we’ve overcome together”

“I want to thank you for spending so much time with me and allowing us to work together on a personal level. I needed your PUSH, you allowed me to trust you and I never felt let down. As a matter of fact, every time we spoke I was able to eat and even take some risks without feeling guilty. Thanks again for everything—I’ll never forget your inspiration and the hurdles we’ve overcome together.”- With love, BB

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“I think that just asking questions and having Karin debunk and disprove all the common thoughts about weight and health was the most powerful factor in shifting to intuitive eating.” - EU, FL

“I wanted to thank you again for all the inspiration, help, and support and to let you know IT’S WORKING! I just celebrated 7 months with no binging and purging and have maintained my weight for 5 months. Every day is a celebration of the miracle and the freedom it brings. Although I cook healthy at home, I am not neurotic about my food and eat pretty much what I want when I go out. I have my own “step” and videos and exercise 3 times a week because it feels good! As I write this I am still awed by the enormity of the changes. Thank you. - Much aloha, TA.”

“It’s so awesome how your body works when you trust it”

“I learned so much about my eating and my food/body image problems. Decoding fat thoughts was so empowering and it changed me completely. Although I still have some problems ALWAYS trusting my body, trusting happens more than disciplining now. Also, I have reconnected with exercise in a whole new way. I enjoy moving my body and I don’t despise the gym. It’s so awesome how your body works when you trust it.“ - Heather R, Stuart, FL

"The most valuable thing I learned was to listen to your body (attuned eating)! It works! Everyone should do it. Dr. Kratina, you are wonderful. Thanks for everything and for being there!!! - RH, Gainesville, FL

“A new way of thinking and living. I have stopped eating way past comfortable. I rarely feel guilt regarding my diet now.” - DS, Gainesville

“I am able to decode fat thoughts/talk and understand that when I’m feeling bad about my body there is generally something else going on that has nothing to do with my body. I am more appreciative of my body and enjoy doing self-care activities like joyful movement and relaxation exercises to show respect for my body.” - Patricia, FL

“It’s life-changing to understand how my body functions”

“To say the least, this was life-changing. I have gained a greater understanding in how my body functions as well as the need to let it speak for itself. My brain, or anything else, should not be what dictates what my stomach, heart, legs, etc. want. The amount of trust I have in my body is much greater than ever before. I have a learned more about the way I think and act, which has decreased the amount of judgment/criticism for who I am.” - SP, Gainesville, FL

“I understand my eating patterns more and can better recognize when I am eating for emotional reasons or because I am truly hungry.” - Sara, Gainesville, FL

"The truth is powerful — women, let’s get angry and demystify what society has "brainwashed" us to believe. I have fallen for a lie for the past 39 years (1st diet began at age 9). It is okay to love myself right now at my present weight." -TJ (who battled the same 10 pounds for 39 years), Gainesville, FL

“I now have the courage to acknowledge and challenge food fears, can more clearly define my likes and dislikes with food, and am not afraid to eat when I’m hungry or stop when I’m full. I have a lot more trust in my body and am able to respond to hunger/satiety signals without worry of gaining weight or eating the ‘right’ way.” - PS, Gainesville, FL

“I have a lot more trust in my body”

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“My eating patterns have changed quite drastically. I have introduced more foods into my life as well as significantly decreased my restricting habits. I have become better at listening to my body’s hunger/satiety cues, which has decreased a lot of the anxiety I had around eating.” - Sara T, Gainesville, FL

“Karin, I felt you were the only one who truly understood my struggle. To feel ravaged by an uncontrollable hunger and compulsion and the terrifying prospect of giving up the false security. I felt your warmth and compassion, caring and tenderness, as well as your professional skill and knowledge. Your H.P. has been good to you at the multitude of service you provide and I am both happy for you, and for the hope it brings me. With all the love and light I can offer, I’ll miss you and thank you.” - AR

“I learned that I have a tendency to justify my exercising as ‘fun’ when I begin to feel stressed/ scared/ anxious/ uncomfortable and use it as a way to cope rather than confronting my insecurities and what's happening on the deeper side of the Y chart. Over-exercising has been my biggest struggle but I feel that I am starting to develop a healthier relationship with it.” - KU, Gainesville, FL

Woman calling Nutrition Therapy Associates
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We’d love to help you find your way to eating wisdom with new knowledge, support, and compassion.

“I compliment myself now”

“My relationship with my body is definitely better. I want to help it now instead of hurt it. I want to move it joyfully and not in a punishing way. Also, since I started doing the “Gorgeous Goddess” exercise and I gave up negative body talk for Lent, I have been doing a lot better about hating my body. I compliment myself now, which I never used to do.” - HR, Florida