Quiz Results

“How Healthy is Your Relationship with Food” Quiz Results

Thank you for taking our quiz. Your results suggest that you have a healthy relationship with food. Congratulations!

Those that fall in this category are the most successful when making changes in their food intake because they can separate their self-esteem from food, eating and the scale. If they mess up, no big deal. They just decide if the goal is worth their time and energy, and, if so, work through any road blocks and try again.

Unfortunately, those with an unhealthy relationship with food, eating and body image see each “mistake” as proof that they are not good enough, the only way to redeem themselves is to fix the food. Meanwhile, true self-esteem issues go unaddressed—making each food “transgression” even more critical. It becomes a vicious cycle — one that you have avoided, or escaped. And we hope this continues for you.

What You Are Doing Right

Continue doing what you are doing, which most likely includes:

  • Using internal cues of hunger, satiety and fullness to guide eating

  • Consuming a wide variety of foods with flexibility

  • Minimal, or preferably no, good/bad foods

  • Reading and using nutrition information non-judgmentally, with curiosity

  • Selecing food to enhance health, and improve management of nutrition-sensitive diseases, if that applies

  • Using food and eating to support your lifestyle and personal needs not the other way around)  

  • Freedom from worry, obsession or pre-occupation with food and body

The Next Step in Healthy Eating

If you want to devote the time and energy to stepping up your health, we can help. Give us a call for a Nutrition Check-Up to ensure you are optimizing your nutrition.

Review the above list. Is there anything you need to improve? It is hard to get by in our society without picking up some disordered beliefs. Make sure to rid of them, for your peace and happiness!

Also, check out this Eating Issues and Body Image Continuum. Some people don’t realize how easy it can be to manage food intake. See how far to the left you are, and if you’re not quite there, you’ve found some things to fix that will make managing your food easier.

Click on image to download handout

Click on image to download handout

Moving to the Next Level of Healthy Wonderful-ness

Or, you may be ready to truly go to the next level of nutrition wonderful-ness. If so, you could focus on:

  • Making sure you are truly eating in response to internal cues

  • Using nutrition to reduce health risks

  • Enhancing health with physical activity, specifically joyful movement

  • Adjusting meal mix to meet daily needs

  • Fine tune your intake to ensure it is both pleasurable and health enhancing 

  • Clearing out all bad food beliefs

Validating You Are On The Right Path

If you wonder if you’re doing it right, especially with all the mixed messages out there, consider reading the following books:

And spread the word that freedom around food and eating is possible!

Take some time on our website, EatingWisdom, we have lots of information to help you along. Also check out more articles here, including:  

To find out more about how common beliefs about food, eating and weight backfire and create disordered eating, check out our online course:


If a Friend Needs Professional Help for Disordered Eating

Refer them to the quiz as a way of starting the conversation, or to find out what to do.

Make sure any professionals your friend works with, both therapist and nutritionist, specialize in these issues. For more on what to look for, read the chapter Karin wrote that was published in The Eating Disorder Sourcebook by Costin about what to look for when seeking a nutrition therapist.

Give us a call if we can help!


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The Do I Have a Healthy Relationship with Food? quiz is given for informational and educational purposes only, and does not substitute for any psychological, nutritional and/or medical evaluations performed by a qualified professional. Please consult a qualified professional with any concerns.