Free Resources

The Hunger Fullness Scale and More: Resources for Overcoming Eating Issues and Improving Body Image

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Feel free to download for your personal use. And, please, reach out if you need help or support

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Check out the original Hunger Fullness Scale, revised and updated.

The Original Hunger Fullness Scale - This visual guideline will help you reconnect with hunger, fullness and satisfaction using a 0-10 scale, providing you with a “language” with which to think about and discuss your eating experiences. (The first of it's kind, designed by Karin in the early 1990s, and updated.)

Hunger Fullness Scale Journal - A unique twist on the classic food journal. Guides you to keep track of what you are eating, but prompts you to chart hunger, satisfaction and fullness. Critical to help deepen understanding of your inner eating wisdom. This journal can provide an amazing understanding of what is going on with your food and eating. (Call us if we can help!)

Digital Hunger Fullness Scale Journal - The same as The Hunger Fullness Journal above, can be completed on your computer.

Hunger Flow Chart - This flow chart starts with “Am I Hungry?” and helps you decide if you are indeed hungry, how hungry are you, and offers options as you decide what to do. Designed to help you become comfortable with the thought process that accompanies intuitive eating.

Eating Styles Compared - Compares the 3 main types of eating that cause duress and weight gain. Knowing which you have is important, as the fix is different for each one. Make sure to call us if you have any questions! 353.371.8181.

Comparing Traditional and Eating Wisdom Approaches to Eating and Weight Management - The difference between our approach and, likely, what you’ve been doing. How is our approach different?

What Have Your Thighs Done For You Lately? - When you’re focused on how your body looks, it’s easy to overlook all the ways your body supports you every single day. When you appreciate things about your body that have nothing to do with appearance, you give yourself and your body some of the nurturing it deserves.

What Stage of Recovery Am I In? - It is normal to feel ambivalent about giving up your eating disorder. Use this checklist to see you are (or are not) to make the changes needed to move towards recovery.

Nutrition Therapy and Intuitive Eating: What’s In It For You? - free eBook

What is Intuitive Eating - About intuitive eating and how it might help you. 

Why Quit Dieting? - Most people do not realize the side effects of eating to lose weight.

Finding Freedom with Food: Attuned Eating - Article Karin wrote about intuitive eating.

Finding a Nutritionist Skilled in Treating Eating Disorders - Make sure the professionals you work with are highly skilled if you struggle with disordered eating. Written by Karin and published in The Eating Disorders Sourcebook by Carolyn Costin. 

What Is Disordered Eating? - Emotional eating vs deprivation-driven eating, orthorexia, compulsive exercise and more. Free Eating Styles handout.

What Are Eating Disorders? - Eating disorders including the new ARFID and OSFED, as well as treatment recommendations.

Overcome Exercise Resistance and Become Joyfully Active - So you think you are too lazy to exercise? Perhaps something else is going on. Learn more and find specific suggestions to overcome exercise resistance.

Addicted to Exercise - Some exercisers say they love it, but may maintain strict regimens because they can't quit.

Articles By Others

For the Spouse, Parent, Sibling, or Friend - Ongoing support is extremely valuable to anyone struggling with eating issus. This article about helping someone with bulimia can be applied to anyone with food issues. 

No Apologies For Eating Pretzels - by Nikki Norris, a past client, reprinted here with her permission. Find out what life is like beyond eating issues. Published in the Orlando Sentinel,  on May 5, 2007 (renamed Poetry and Pretzels). 

Dealing With The Body Police - Take this tongue-in-check quiz about dealing with people who are not minding their own business. Adapted from Real Gorgeous: The Truth About Body and Beauty by Kaz Cooke. (PDF)

Digestion Takes Time and Energy - Many people with eating issues believe that food turns into body fat almost immediately. This is simply not true, and a basic understanding of digestion may help. Every time food passes your lips, it marks the beginning of an incredible journey. (PDF)

Everything I Learned About Dieting - Humorous look at dieting behavior by Dave Barry.

Wanting to Be Thin vs. Being Thin - When we want, we can dream about how it will be when we get exactly what we want. That incurs no disappointment. But getting it? That's different. Find out more about wanting...and wanting to be thin!

Inward Listening: A Path to Authentic Relationship with Your Inner Self - Learn the core foundations to building a healthy relationship with your inner self through inward listening. By Cassie Hessler-Smith, PhD, a therapist in Gainesville, Florida who specializes in treating those suffering from trauma and eating disorders.

The Eater's Agreement - An amazingly nourishing affirmation.

Body Ownership and No Food Issues- Where do you fall on the continuum between food issues vs no food issues, and body loathing vs body ownership?

As you go through your day, try to look at food differently. Look at how it works for your body: nourishing, fueling, and allowing pleasure. Notice how food feels friendly when you eat intuitively. And notice, when you are not eating intuitively, if food is there for you as a friend. Can you feel the difference?
— Food: Friend and Fuel? - Stay Attuned